Construction will soon start on 4 new local cycleways, with the NSW government awarding the City of Sydney around $7.5 million for the projects.
The cycleways in the city centre, Pyrmont, Surry Hills and Redfern will act as critical links for Sydney’s wider bike network.
The links will support the more than 1 million people living within a 30-minute ride of the city centre and provide safer routes that separate bikes from traffic.
The City of Sydney welcomes more than 1.3 million daily visitors and we expect this will increase 60% by 2056.
We’re working in partnership with the state government to provide sustainable, convenient and healthy transport options to help free up space on our trains, buses and roads.
This includes encouraging more people to commute by bike and making it easier and safer for them to do so.

The 4 new cycleways are:
- Saunders and Miller streets in Pyrmont
- Liverpool Street (between Sussex and Harbour streets) in the city centre
- Chalmers Street (between Prince Alfred Park and Randle Street) in Surry Hills
- Lawson Street (between Little Eveleigh and Wells streets) in Redfern.
The new bike connections in Pyrmont will complete a traffic-free route between Anzac Bridge and the city – a route that already sees 1,500 bike trips during weekday peak times. That’s the equivalent of 30 full buses or up to 1,200 cars.
Bike riding is an increasingly popular transport option in our area. The number of bike trips has tripled at more than 20 locations since independent counts began in 2010 – with growth highest on safe, separated bike links.
You can provide feedback on the proposed Pyrmont cycleways by 30 September before the plans are finalised. Construction is expected to start in 2020.
Published 29 August 2019, updated 30 August 2019