Artists interested in communities, urbanism and sustainability reimagine underused spaces as part of a project encouraging Sydneysiders to revisit the city centre.

Artist Katy B Plummer has created an interactive fortune-telling video installation, hidden just off George Street.
Your card, drawn for you from a deck of 48 by the ‘ghost’, a friendly fuzzy spirit from the future, forms a unique reading of your fortune.

Scan a QR code to receive a more detailed reading. Or trust your own gut to reveal how the fortune on screen can help you understand your own situation.
We Are All Astonishingly Wise will be installed until March 2022.
A micro-forest made of native species to mirror a natural ecosystem has come to life on Barlow Street, Haymarket.

Collaborative group the Dirt Witches campaign for environmental justice and action on climate change.
The installation Barlow Street Forest incorporates over 30 species, including the critically endangered eastern suburbs banksia scrub and beehives containing sugarbag stingless native bees.

“This project aligns with local and international movements to establish fast growing, dense and biodiverse plantings,” Dirt Witches said.
“Through creative expression, we wanted to honour our deep relationship to nature.”
Barlow Street Forest will be up until March 2022.

Sydney-based artist Adam Norton’s work is inspired by apocalyptic sci-fi films, pop and counterculture.
Spot the provocative and prophetic giant badges on lamp posts in Barrack Street. Giant Badges is installed until March, 2022.

Lord Mayor Clover Moore said the temporary artworks would enliven our city centre.
“These 4 commissions were part of the City of Sydney’s plan to boost the city centre economy, support local businesses and artists, and create jobs across the summer period,” the Lord Mayor said.
“While we must continue to be vigilant against Covid-19, including following health advice, wearing masks and staying home and getting tested if unwell, many office workers and visitors will return to the city in 2021.
“These works will transform many people’s daily experience of our city and add an element of surprise, humour and intrigue.”
Ever Sun is a suspended installation on Wilmot Street that plays with natural light. Visit the artwork at different times of the day to see its full effect.
“It offers an inspiring space to walk and reflect, feel nurtured by colour and light, and be together in public, sensitively, in a way that reminds us of the resilience, necessity and beauty of art,” artist Rochelle Haley said.

Ever Sun was installed until 11 July, 2021.
We received a huge 230 responses from more than 200 artists in our public call-out to help enliven the city centre. The selected artists were granted up to $50,000 each to see their ideas come to life.
Love art?
Don't miss the Chinatown at Night walking tour that explores art around Haymarket, or Hidden in Plain Sight for a guided tour of artworks you may have never noticed.
Published 11 January 2021, updated 3 February 2022