We’re planning a new cycleway on King Street. This will be an important connection between the Pitt Street cycleway and bike routes to the city’s east and south.
The Pitt Street cycleway carries over 6000 bike trips a week, making it one of the city’s most popular bike routes but it’s not well connected to the rest of the bike network.
The King Street cycleway will safely carry people who ride between the city centre and bike routes including College Street, Hyde Park and Oxford and Bourke streets.

Improvements for people walking
The new cycleway will calm traffic and improve the street amenity, making it a nicer place for people walking. Waiting times for people walking at the junction of Phillip, King and Elizabeth streets will also be reduced.
Traffic changes
We’re making some small changes to traffic movements too. King Street, east of Elizabeth Street, and a small section of Phillip Street will become 1-way. Traffic on Phillip Street accessing Elizabeth Street will travel north to Hunter Street. This will be a 1 to 2 minute detour.
Have your say
You’re invited to view the plans have your say until Monday 25 October.