Media releases

Delivering safe and resilient communities

Published 29 August 2018

Community Safety Action Plan

Sydney will continue to be one of the safest cities in the world after the City released a new plan to improve public safety.

The City of Sydney’s A City for All: Draft Community Safety Action Plan 2018-2023 outlines how safety will be prioritised in streets and public spaces, crime prevention and emergency responses.

Lord Mayor Clover Moore said the plan would ensure Sydney maintained its global reputation as one of the safest cities in the world for people to live, work in and visit.

“From lighting and road safety, to promoting child safety standards to anti-terrorism strategies, this plan builds on the work we have done to create a welcoming, safe and lively city and outlines the actions we will take to make our city even safer,” the Lord Mayor said.

“This work can’t be achieved alone and we are committed to working with other levels of government, businesses and the community.”

The City’s plan sets out four focus areas for the next five years:

  • Safe streets and spaces – ensure public areas are well lit and attractive, promote a creative, vibrant nightlife and improve road, public transport and pedestrian safety.
  • Crime prevention and response – reduce opportunities for crime to occur and support initiatives that address domestic and family violence, sexual assault and child abuse.
  • Ready and resilient – prepare for and respond to emergencies and strengthen connected communities.
  • A safe global destination – ensure visitors and international students are welcome and safe and promote Sydney as a safe place to visit, study and invest.

The public can view and comment on the draft plan at until 5pm Tuesday 4 September.

For media inquiries or images, contact Roxanne Macara, Senior Media Advisor.
Phone mobile 0438 554 640 or email

For interviews with Lord Mayor Clover Moore, contact Anusha Muller.
Phone 0408 494 545 or email