Further efforts needed to reduce homelessness
Results of our recent street count highlight the need for urgent support to help those sleeping rough.

13 posts
Results of our recent street count highlight the need for urgent support to help those sleeping rough.
Our latest count found 277 people sleeping rough in the local area.
Temporary accommodation effort introduced last year, including extra funding and support services, should remain.
The City of Sydney continues financial support for specialist homelessness services.
Darlinghurst aged-care facility welcomes older rough sleepers to brand-new housing.
Street count finds fewer people sleeping rough on inner Sydney streets.
The City of Sydney’s most recent street count has revealed that crisis shelters are at capacity this winter.
Homelessness is a complex issue with no simple solution. We explain the City of Sydney’s role in responding to rough sleeping and homelessness.
While more rough sleepers than ever are being housed, the number of people who were homeless this summer increased. More needs to be done.
The City of Sydney will contribute $100,000 in a new effort to end homelessness in the inner city.
Canadian entrepreneur Mark Brand creates sustainable business models to make a difference. He'll share his expertise at the next visiting entrepreneur program.
Our efforts include a street count of people sleeping rough, interagency work and helping create more affordable housing.