Cultural and creative life

Refugee Week 2023: 3 stories of coming to Australia

Meet Abang, Simon and Khatereh. We're proud to welcome them, and all refugees and people seeking asylum, to our city.

Refugee Week 2023: 3 stories of coming to Australia

Refugee Week, from Sunday 18 to Saturday 24 June, celebrates the contributions refugees and people seeking asylum make in our communities.

In Australia, the week-long program of events and activities aims to raise awareness and educate people about who refugees are and why they have come to our country. It also helps people understand the challenges they face while creating a culture of welcome.

The theme this year is ‘Finding freedom’, asking us all to reflect on what it means to be free.

Get involved

We’re hosting free events at our community centres throughout the week. Hear from Refugee Council of Australia ambassadors and high school students about their lived experience, share a meal or watch some powerful documentaries.

Explore Refugee Week events.

Published 13 June 2023, updated 25 June 2024