A significant social change occurred for women during World War I. Women stepped up and worked in jobs that were previously the domain of men including factories, secretarial and farming. As men fought on the front line, war opened up new opportunities for women to work.
Armistice was declared on 11 November 1918. The Women’s Legal Status Act was passed on 26 November 1918.
For the first time, women were able to stand for election at local government and the Legislative Assembly, practise as lawyers and serve as Justices of the Peace.
A decade later, Lillian Fowler became the first woman elected to a local council in NSW.

She joined Newtown Council in 1928, apparently motivated by a run-in with an inspector for nuisances. The inspector confiscated her marbles while she played on a public footpath.
Said to be a formidable woman with confidence, clarity of convictions and exceptional organisational skills, she smashed the glass ceiling of politics. She opened up opportunities for women and marginalised people in the community.

Lilian Fowler went on to become Australia’s first female mayor in 1937. Her work is remembered at Lilian Fowler Reserve. She helped create a number of children's playgrounds in the inner west.
Around 330 women councillors now serve across NSW.
Published 1 November 2018, updated 30 November 2018