Free vaccines are available for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people and their families.
These clinics are for anyone over 5 years of age.
Bring your parent or guardian with you if you are aged 5 to 15.
You can also access a booster vaccination at this location.
Remember, you can’t get vaccinated if you’re waiting on the results of a Covid-19 test.

Surry Hills
Northcott Community Centre
This walk-in Pfizer clinic is welcoming anyone from the community aged under 60 years. You don't need a Medicare card to attend here.
- Northcott Community Centre
163 Devonshire Street, Surry Hills
Open 10am to 2pm, Mondays
Bring a photo ID or your Medicare card, if you have one.
There is a walk-in Covid-19 vaccination hub for people living within the Woolloomooloo area. It is for anyone over 12.
For those aged 12 to 15, a parent or guardian must be present. No bookings needed, just show up.
- Ozanam Learning Centre
99 Forbes Street, Woolloomooloo
Open 10am to 2pm, Thursdays
Why you should get a Covid-19 vaccination
Covid-19 is very dangerous and spreads quickly. The vaccines work very well against Covid-19. Getting vaccinated helps to protect you and your mob.
2 doses of a vaccine:
- reduces the chance you will catch Covid-19 by around 60% to 80%
- gives you around 90% protection against needing to be admitted to hospital or dying from Covid-19
- reduces the spread of Covid-19 to others.
The Pfizer vaccine is recommended for pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
Even those who are young and healthy should get vaccinated. The majority of Aboriginal peoples with Covid-19 in NSW are under 40. Many young people have needed hospital or even intensive care because of Covid-19. You should get vaccinated to protect yourself and your mob.
Find more information on where else to get a vaccination.
Get a Covid-19 test
If you’re not feeling well, you should get a Covid-19 test. Even if you have only mild symptoms.
Find a list of clinics near you where you can get a free test.
If you have been in contact with a person with Covid-19 you also need to be tested. This could be a family member, friend or other people you live or work with. Even if you have no symptoms, it’s important to get a test.
You also need to get tested, if you have been with someone who has contact with someone else who was infected with Covid-19. They might be waiting on their own test results, but you should get one of your own as soon as possible.
Food assistance when isolating
You will need to isolate after a Covid-19 test. Go straight home, it will help keep your community safe.
If you need assistance accessing food while in isolation, call our Community Hotline on (02) 9265 9333.
Published 15 December 2021, updated 12 July 2022