Oxford Street's queer history and culture is infused in the precinct's venues, events, public art and communities.
A diverse and passionate group of local businesses, community organisations and individuals have their eyes set on retaining and celebrating these strong connections through the Oxford Street pride business charter.
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Embedding pride across the way we do business
Championed by a volunteer steering committee, the precinct pride business charter was established in June 2023 to help embed the rich history and queer character of the precinct into the everyday of doing business.
“Oxford Street is one of our most-loved streets. We're committed and on the journey to help support this iconic precinct, celebrate its thriving cultural scene and keep it safe and inclusive.”
“We worked closely with the Oxford Street pride steering committee to establish this charter to safeguard the identity and culture of the precinct, and we're thrilled to see its membership grow” Lord Mayor of Sydney Clover Moore said.
Now, over 50 businesses and community organisations have signed on as members, with support from the Rainbow Precinct. Funded by the NSW Government's Uptown Accelerator program, the Rainbow Precinct works with local Darlinghurst businesses and community to celebrate and market Sydney’s original LGBTIQA+ precinct.
Pride business charter members will support LGBTIQA+ people by sharing their histories and cultures, creating welcome and inclusive spaces and increasing their employment and business opportunities. Its outcomes will help everyone enjoy Oxford Street’s vibrant, inclusive and safe spaces.
Welcoming more members with open arms
Membership is open to businesses and organisations operating in the area.
Like the locality, members of this charter are diverse and made up of businesses large and small, venues, property owners, community organisations, arts organisations, community service providers and educational institutions operating across the Oxford Street precinct.

Our social and cultural place strategy in action
The business charter is an outcome of our LGBTIQA+ social and cultural place strategy. The strategy, the first of its kind in Australia, prioritises the need to sustain the local character of Oxford Street.
Members sign up to a set of commitments that will tackle local challenges and create opportunities to see the Oxford Street precinct thrive.
Keen to join the charter?
If you’re a business owner located on or around Oxford Street or service the area, why not join the charter? Find out more.
Published 29 November 2023, updated 14 February 2024