No matter if you live in a building with a recycling chute or place items directly into the yellow lid bins, these answers apply to everyone who lives in the City of Sydney's area.
We want to reduce what goes to landfill and we need your help. Here we answer some of the common recycling questions we’re asked.
Still have questions? Register for a free 30 minute recycling masterclass, 12pm on Monday 11, Tuesday 12 or Thursday 14 November.
1. Do I need to rinse containers before recycling them?
There’s no need to rinse them as long as all food and liquid are removed. If containers are empty and dry, it’s fine to pop them straight in the yellow lid recycling bin.

2. Can tissues, napkins and paper towels go in the yellow lid bin?
No, these items don’t go in your recycling bin. They're generally made from recycled materials and the fibres get shorter with each use. Paper fibres can generally only be recycled 5 to 7 times before they’re too short. Also, if the paper has come in contact with oils or fluids these can contaminate the recycling process. Place tissues, napkins and paper towels in the red lid bin.
3. What should I do with styrofoam packaging from electronics or furniture?
Even though it has a recycling symbol on it, polystyrene (styrofoam) can’t be recycled in the yellow lid bin. If you’ve just bought a large appliance and have a lot of rigid styrofoam, you can drop it off at Recycle It Saturday, our Ultimo recycling pop-up or book a doorstep recycling collection.
Put bendy or squishy items like foam wrap, foam sheets, packing peanuts and bean bag filling in your red lid bin at home.

4. Can plastic bags go in the yellow lid bin?
Nope! Plastic bags and other soft plastics that can be scrunched into a ball can’t be recycled in your yellow lid bin. These soft plastics can jam the sorting machines at the recycling plant.
The yellow lid bin is just for hard plastics such as water bottles, ice cream containers, fruit punnets and shampoo bottles.
Avoid plastic bags altogether and take your own reusable shopping bags.
Plastic bags and soft plastics you can’t avoid need to be placed in your red lid rubbish bin.

5. What about oily pizza boxes?
Pizza boxes can be recycled in yellow lid bins, even if they have oil or grease stains. Just make sure to finish eating all the pizza. While a little bit of melted cheese is fine, old crusts or leftover slices should go in the red lid bin. If you have a maroon lid food scraps recycling bin, place your leftover food in there.

6. What should I do with small items such as bottle tops and foil?
Small, loose items can clog up the machinery at the recycling facility. Leave lids on bottles whenever you can.
If you have tops that can’t be reattached, such as beer or can tops, put a few inside a tin and squeeze the lid shut. Only put a small amount inside the tin so it doesn’t change the weight too much. You can then place the tin in the recycling bin.
Aluminium foil can be recycled if rolled into a big ball. Remember to remove any leftover food first.

7. Can my cardboard boxes go straight in the recycling bin?
You should break down your boxes because this makes room for other recyclable items in your bin. This is especially important if you live in an apartment and use shared bins.
If you live in an apartment building with a recycling chute, don’t try to jam your cardboard boxes down the chute as this will block it and cause chute problems. Instead, place broken-down boxes into the yellow lid bins in your main recycling or bin room area.
Every council does things a little differently. It’s important to know what applies in the City of Sydney's local area.
Still have questions? Register for a free 30 minute recycling masterclass, 12pm on Monday 11, Tuesday 12 or Thursday 14 November.
Published 4 July 2018, updated 10 October 2024