Cultural and creative life

See our Little Sydney Lives finalists for 2023

A glimpse of daily life through the eyes of our youngest photographers aged 3 to 12

  • Another Rainy Day In Sydney

    It was pouring rain (again!) this day. We jumped on my mum's bed (where she may have been hiding from us) and worked out if we pointed her reading lamp to the wall, it made great shadows. We spent the rest of the afternoon telling stories for each other on the wall.

    Listen to an audio description of this image.

    Location: Erskineville NSW

    Age category: 3 to 7

    Credit: Frankie Macedone
  • The Solar System rocks!

    I learnt about the solar system at preschool and when I found different sized rocks in my backyard, I used all the rocks to make the solar system for my big sister. She said it rocks!

    Listen to an audio description of this image.

    Location: Girraween NSW

    Age category: 3 to 7

    Credit: Thomas Meyer
  • Vertigo from mummy’s phone

    I just woke up and saw someone in front of the window’s living room, and we live on the 21st floor! I ran to take mummy’s phone - I was sad to see he wasn’t there anymore, but still, I manage to catch him (along with my feet!)

    Listen to an audio description of this image.

    Location: Sydney NSW

    Age category: 3 to 7

    Credit: Massimo Morara Tabbo
  • Visiting Cousin

    Ezra went to the park with his cousin and his dad's old Canon D60 (an early 6MP DSLR from 2002). Ezra's cousin was really shy and not interested in modelling for the camera but he managed to take a few candid shots while discussing what to play in the park.

    Listen to an audio description of this image.

    Location: Fig Lane Park, Ultimo NSW

    Age category: 3 to 7

    Credit: Ezra Bor
  • Tree Braids

    The big roots of all these trees are always fascinating. Clara loved how the trees look like braided hair and reach into the ground.

    Listen to an audio description of this image.

    Location: Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney NSW

    Age category: 3 to 7

    Credit: Clara Frey-Willems
  • My Grasshopper Friend

    When I went outside I saw a grasshopper on the bricks. He is very cute. Grasshopper starts with the letter G.

    Listen to an audio description of this image.

    Location: North Kellyville NSW

    Age category: 3 to 7

    Credit: Carter Chetty
  • The fastest kid in Sydney

    My big brother went to the running Sydney track classic meet in March. I have to follow him everywhere. These are his friends watching famous athletes. I am running too and I play soccer. I won a trophy from athletics.

    Listen to an audio description of this image.

    Location: Sydney Olympic Park NSW

    Age category: 3 to 7

    Credit: Nicholas Yeo
  • Delight before night

    Driving home from preschool and a pre-night delight was in front of us worth stopping for, clearly a double rainbow.

    Listen to an audio description of this image.

    Location: Coogee Beach NSW

    Age category: 3 to 7

    Credit: Brody Taylor
  • Charlotte Of The Inner West

    A cool spider decided to live by our front gate for a little while. This one morning on our way to ballet class, we found it had left its web up, and the sun made it shine like something magical. My sister did not want to get any closer.

    Listen to an audio description of this image.

    Location: Erskineville NSW

    Age category: 3 to 7

    Credit: Pina Macedone
  • Dancing leaves on magic water

    Look, they are like pretty dancers on the water, with their colourful dresses.

    Listen to an audio description of this image.

    Location: Bank Bazaar Cafe, Richmond NSW

    Age category: 3 to 7

    Credit: Amelia Macdonald
  • Tweens Twenty3

    The Sydney life of tweens. When we go to the park we are too old for the equipment. We are too young to be allowed to go to the oval by ourselves to hang out (!?!). So we find napkins and textas and make art and photos with friends instead.

    Listen to an audio description of this image.

    Location: Erskineville NSW

    Age category: 8 to 12

    Credit: Aria Macedone-Hunt
  • Green shadows

    As I was walking through the vast, shadowy land, I stopped dead in my tracks, a colossal, beautiful waterfall appeared before me! I continued down the path until I reached the bottom of a sandy bay. Friends and family blended into the green shadows. I liked the mystery it created!

    Listen to an audio description of this image.

    Location: Fern Valley Ranch NSW

    Age category: 8 to 12

    Credit: Elliot Jerome Rien
  • Looking up to the Past

    I took this photo when learning about Australia's involvement in wars around the world and on home soil. This photo represents how much I admire and look up to the courageous people who went to war so that we can live in our beautiful city and country.

    Listen to an audio description of this image.

    Location: Anzac Memorial, Hyde Park, Sydney NSW

    Age category: 8 to 12

    Credit: Isabella Mereau
  • Glamarama Ocean Spray

    A big storm came through early one morning. The waves were huge and crashing into the cliffs creating mist that caught the morning sun.

    Listen to an audio description of this image.

    Location: Tamarama NSW

    Age category: 8 to 12

    Credit: Josephine Maddock
  • Hold Still

    I love to go jetty jumping at Balmoral with my family.

    My brother is a fair bit bigger than me and can almost touch the sky when he jetty jumps. I love it when he holds my hand and we jump together, the bubbles are amazing!

    Listen to an audio description of this image.

    Location: Balmoral NSW

    Age category: 8 to 12

    Credit: Olly Deitz
  • Inner west cousins go bush

    We are inner-west city slickers cousins and love nature, we love that 10 minutes from our house we can go bush walking!

    Listen to an audio description of this image.

    Location: Earlwood NSW

    Age category: 8 to 12

    Credit: Bethany Whiting
  • Brother at work

    Brother at work 2024 Little Sydney Lives, winner

    Here's a shot taken with Dad's phone of my 2 year-old brother in his daily endeavour: watching from the window to see what's happening in the city.

    Credit: Massimo Morara Tabbò
    Listen to an audio description of this photo
  • Best donuts in the Wood!

    I like cars and can’t wait to drive. My uncle told me about donuts he made when he was a teenager and pointed these ones out to me.

    Listen to an audio description of this image.

    Location: Earlwood NSW

    Age category: 8 to 12

    Credit: Charlie Whiting
  • Happy Feet

    Swimming in circles, looking for fish!

    Listen to an audio description of this image.

    Location: Sea Life Sydney Aquarium, Sydney NSW

    Age category: 8 to 12

    Credit: Mitchell Holt
  • Running through Autumn

    Autumn is the best season! I love catching leaves as they fall from the trees in Hyde Park. My little brother just loves throwing them up in the air and running through them. We both had fun!

    Listen to an audio description of this image.

    Location: Hyde Park, Sydney NSW

    Age category: 8 to 12

    Credit: Cameron Lee

Each year we ask Sydney’s junior creatives to go adventuring, camera in hand and send us their favourite pics.

Chosen from hundreds of entries see the 20 finalists displayed in Customs House on level 2, from 14 September to 8 October.

Little Sydney Lives is part of our Art & About program, a year-round series of temporary art projects in unusual spaces.